Silence Your Biggest Critic – Yourself!

Silence Your Biggest Critic – Yourself!

Criticizing yourself, beating yourself up, feeling sorry for yourself and disappointing yourself is not the best way to motive change.  Feedback is critical for a person’s success, but negative feedback is demoralizing and defeating.

We all need to have validation in our life.  Validation is critical to our development as human beings. Criticism is a form of invalidation.  Self-criticism is devastating.  Self-criticism hurts us mentally, spiritually and physically.

Let us get started on a few tips and techniques on how to move from negative feedback to positive feedback.  Yes, with others and yourself. Read more

I Have No Plan

I Have No Plan

I joke with my sons about this saying.  They both have elaborate zombie apocalypse plans.  I have learned about zombies by listening to their plans.

Zombies are pretty simple creatures.  A zombie is bereft of consciousness and self-awareness.  They eat and walk around.  People, who are not zombies, try to avoid them. Any resemblance to your place of work is purely coincidental. Read more