I am attending the Allen Citizens Fire Academy this spring. We had a our first class Thursday evening. If you have ever wanted to be a fire fighter or just interested in learning what is involved with being a fire fighter you should sign up for a future class. Read more
Recover FileZilla Site Manager
I recently had a hard drive go bad which required me to re-install the OS and all my applications. The challenges with this is all the configuration files associated with various applications.
FileZilla is a great FTP client which I use daily. Once you have your FTP clients working, the last thing you want to do is to recreate all your settings. It is important to easily recover FileZilla Site Manager settings. This was one of the easier tasks in my hard drive recovery.
Recover iTunes Library from an Old Hard Drive
My old hard drive started sending SMART errors. I purchased a new hard drive and tried to clone it…but alas, it would not clone. So, I re-installed the OS. I am able to access files from the old drive, so I need to figure out how to migrate my iTunes library from the old hard drive to the new one. Here are the steps I took. My new hard drive is my C: drive and my old drive is my F: drive.
Dynamic Facebook and Twitter Meta Tags for phpBB
When the second person logged on to the internet, there was a discussion. For many years, the primary discussion method on the internet was forums. Forums allow people to group discussions around topics. There are numerous forums on a wide variety of topics on the internet.
Then came Social Media sites like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. These tools are great for quick, simple discussions. These tools quickly become limiting when a detail discussion is occurring. Detail discussions between multiple people is where Forums excel.
There is a place within the internet world for both social media and forums. They both need to be connected together. This post is about the steps needed to add specialized meta tags to your phpBB forum for Facebook og tags and for Twitter cards. Read more
phpBB Photo Gallery
One of the websites I maintain is LotusElan.net. The website has a very active membership. Over the last 14 years, our members have posted over 21,000 images. These images are valuable, but are very difficult to find. Read more
phpBB: Amazon CloudFront CDN Modification
As my forum, LotusElan.net, has grown and gone international, I have had to focus on performance. This is especially true for image attachments and avatars. My forum is an automotive forum and it is not unusual for us to have topics with 10 to 15 image attachments. For example here is a typical posting: What Does Your Elan Look Like?
I had looked at a variety of items, but kept coming back to a CDN. After investigating the cost and complexity, I decided to install Amazon’s CloudFront.
Why CloudFront?
- Inexpensive (Costs about $2/month for a million images served)
- Nice footprint of servers around the globe.
- Uses a Server of Origin for loading assets Read more
America Held Hostage – Day 15
The current government shut down has nothing to do with the Affordable Healthcare Act. It has everything to do with Constitutional Division of Powers.
According to the Constitution, spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives decides on whether we should spend money on a particular government activity. The Senate is responsible for Authorizing the money to be spent.
This is a checks and balance built into our Constitution. It requires the House of Representatives to fund a government activity. It requires the Senate to Authorize the spending of money. Read more
The Friendship Algorithm
Friends. We all need them. They are critical to navigate and be effective in life. The challenge is over time, we begin to see our friends reduce in number. What can we do?
Lucky for you, Sheldon Cooper of the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory solved the issue. Read more
Allen Citizens Police Academy – Week 3
This week was the K-9 unit. We met at the City of Allen K-9 training facility. The evening was a series of overviews and demonstrations. The weather cooperated for what was an enjoyable evening outside before the rains came. Read more
Constitution Day
Today is the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution is the official contract between the citizens of the United States. The Federal Government, Executive, Legislative and Judical Branches are not legal parties of the Constitutional Contract. The Constitutional contract defined how the Federal Government was to be structured. The Constitution is the contract in which government is given the authority to operate. No one can change the contract without express written permission by the contracted parties. We the People are the contracted parties. Read more