Official Retirement Ceremony of the Texas Flag

Official Retirement Ceremony of the Texas Flag

As a member of a commission for the City of Allen, I am required to lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag.  This had me thinking.. (I know this is dangerous ground.)  Do we have a Texas Flag Allegiance.  Well of course we do. The Texas Pledge of Allegiance can be found in Texas Law.  The Pledge is:

Honor the Texas flag;

I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

What was more interesting was the text of the ceremony to retire a Texas Flag. Here is the text. If reading this does not get your pulse up, you are not a bona fide Texan.  Read more

Allen Citizen’s Fire Academy – Bunker Gear Night

Allen Citizen’s Fire Academy – Bunker Gear Night
Wearing all the gear.

It was bunker gear night.  Bunker gear is the system of outer protective clothing for firefighters.  “Bunker Gear” is derived from the fact that the trousers and boots are traditionally kept by the firefighter’s bunk at the fire station to be readily available for use.  We were outfitted with the complete set of Trousers, Coat, Boots, Nomex Hood, Helmet, Gloves and Eye Protection. Read more

America Held Hostage – Day 15

America Held Hostage – Day 15

The current government shut down has nothing to do with the Affordable Healthcare Act. It has everything to do with Constitutional Division of Powers.

According to the Constitution, spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives decides on whether we should spend money on a particular government activity. The Senate is responsible for Authorizing the money to be spent.

This is a checks and balance built into our Constitution. It requires the House of Representatives to fund a government activity. It requires the Senate to Authorize the spending of money. Read more

Constitution Day

Constitution Day

Today is the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.  The Constitution is the official contract between the citizens of the United States.  The Federal Government, Executive, Legislative and Judical Branches are not legal parties of the Constitutional Contract.  The Constitutional contract defined how the Federal Government was to be structured.  The Constitution is the contract in which government is given the authority to operate.  No one can change the contract without express written permission by the contracted parties.  We the People are the contracted parties. Read more

Citizens Police Academy – Week 2

Citizens Police Academy – Week 2

The second week of Citizens Police Academy covered an overview of the Allen Police Department and the general job requirements of a police officer.

The Allen Chief of Police, Brian Harvey, started the night out by providing an introduction of himself and the general state of affairs within the community.  As part of his overview he provided a couple of interesting facts.  Overall crime for Allen is down over 12% this year compared to last year.  Considering Allen is already listed as one of the safest cities, this is a remarkable statistic. Read more

Allen Citizens Police Academy – Week 1

Allen Citizens Police Academy – Week 1

I live in Allen, Texas.  For ya’ll not familiar with Allen, we are a northern suburb of Dallas. And yes, we are home to the infamous Eagle Stadium, but that is post for another day.

We have lived and been active in our home town for many years. I have always wanted to attend the Citizens Police Academy (CPA).  CPA is a 13 week program that meets one night a week.  The purpose of the academy is to educate the public on the workings of the Police Department.   Read more