Citizens Police Academy – Week 2

Citizens Police Academy – Week 2

The second week of Citizens Police Academy covered an overview of the Allen Police Department and the general job requirements of a police officer.

The Allen Chief of Police, Brian Harvey, started the night out by providing an introduction of himself and the general state of affairs within the community.  As part of his overview he provided a couple of interesting facts.  Overall crime for Allen is down over 12% this year compared to last year.  Considering Allen is already listed as one of the safest cities, this is a remarkable statistic. Read more

Allen Citizens Police Academy – Week 1

Allen Citizens Police Academy – Week 1

I live in Allen, Texas.  For ya’ll not familiar with Allen, we are a northern suburb of Dallas. And yes, we are home to the infamous Eagle Stadium, but that is post for another day.

We have lived and been active in our home town for many years. I have always wanted to attend the Citizens Police Academy (CPA).  CPA is a 13 week program that meets one night a week.  The purpose of the academy is to educate the public on the workings of the Police Department.   Read more

Allen in 2030

Allen in 2030

One of the reason Allen is recognized as a one of the Top 10 Communities to live in is the Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan is the road map which establishes the goals and direction of the city for the next 15 years.

The city of Allen is updating the Comprehensive Plan.  Most importantly, we need all citizens to provide input.  Please invest time in our city and go to and provide input.  Your comments and opinions are critical to the city’s growth and direction. Read more

Kindness is Its Own Reward

Kindness is Its Own Reward

Kindness is rewarded, but if you are cruel, you only hurt yourself.  This ancient proverb is over 3,000 years old, and medical science is proving this out.  A study published in 2012, called “The Neuroscience of Sharing” by Jessie Poquerusse showed kindness benefits the giver as a result of the release of neurotransmitters responsible for the feelings of Read more

Silence Your Biggest Critic – Yourself!

Silence Your Biggest Critic – Yourself!

Criticizing yourself, beating yourself up, feeling sorry for yourself and disappointing yourself is not the best way to motive change.  Feedback is critical for a person’s success, but negative feedback is demoralizing and defeating.

We all need to have validation in our life.  Validation is critical to our development as human beings. Criticism is a form of invalidation.  Self-criticism is devastating.  Self-criticism hurts us mentally, spiritually and physically.

Let us get started on a few tips and techniques on how to move from negative feedback to positive feedback.  Yes, with others and yourself. Read more